Stykz adalah tongkat multi-platform gratis program sosok animasi.
Jika Anda pernah menggunakan Pivot StickFigure Animator, Anda akan merasa seperti di rumah dan akan menghargai fitur tambahan yang Stykz ditawarkan!
Dan bahkan jika Anda belum pernah menggunakan Pivot, Anda akan menemukan Stykz untuk menjadi kuat, mudah untuk mempelajari alat untuk membuat animasi tongkat besar cari cepat dan efisien.
- Stykz is frame-based, letting you to work on individual frames of your animation
- Figures can be rotated, scaled, flipped, duplicated, colorized, and relayered.
- Figures can be created and edited directly in place
- "Draw" your figures by simply right-clicking and dragging, either directly on the Stage or from an existing node; segments are automatically drawn and added to your figure as you go!
- You can have multiple animation “documents” open at the same time, and can cut, copy, and paste between documents.
- Arrow keys can be used to move selected figure(s) by 1 pixel; hold down the Shift key to move in 10 pixel increments.
- Test your animation in Stykz before you export it; export to QuickTime, Animated GIF, or a sequence of images.
- You can share your Stykz files with others, and even include information with the file that tells who created it, when it was last modified, and even provides a place to include usage instructions.
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